Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Am Busy & You Are Not! I Work & You do Not!....Yes I am Hot!

Sipping coke in a quiet corner (I had managed to find this charming window-sill) of a raging party room (don’t get me wrong, I’m a party girl, but lately have been going through a phase of blues) I was ambushed by this lady..... She came and squeezed her well endowed posterior on my window sill, announced her name, popped a celery stick in her mouth and asked if I work…out of the blue. I had never spoken to her before, nor seen her till she forcefully entered the periphery of my vision, and blinking a couple of times as if to wish her away, I sighed and replied that I did.

That was it. She had found a common bond of "career" and proceeded to enthrall me with her musings. Qualifications, career, hour to hour activity.....And I realized how easy it was to nod off in a roomful of people.

From past experience when I was a mere (!!!) homemaker, I knew what her next line would be. Sure enough, very soon in came the “how busy I am” routine. Good lord, if you are busy - that's awesome. What do you think – the world is not busy? We are all suspended in a limbo? Of course you are busy chewing that piece of celery, and on a mission to bore me....going to work at eight....coming back from work at eight, cooking, stress, going to work at eight.......coming back from work at eight, cooking……Thank god I have this special knack of inner concentration.....

"Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you're gone."

I’m lucky to be off from work on Fridays, and a couple of friends when they call on Friday, start with “were you sleeping?” 12:00??? “Yeah I was, till the jingle of your call woke me up with a tingle”. Why would you assume so? Don’t I have work? Did I just press a switch and have babies, press a remote to have the food spread itself on the table, another switch and the kids grew up by themselves?

How I love the straight forwardness of the Americans. They are proud if they work and proud if they stay at home to take care of their kids. Till date I have not come across an American friend who bored me with talks of being busy!!!! It’s a part of life after all. Imagine sitting on your couch and staring into nothingness for days.

Some work for need, some for passion, some to crib and some can just afford to stay at home and spend time to do the stuff they love.


Trisha P. said...

I totally agree with you Nina. We all lead busy lives and just because we don't work doesn't mean we sit around the house watching soap operas all day long. Love your blog a lot!

Nina said...

Thanks Trisha!:)